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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows

n0mad's picture

It will feature up to four player co-op with each of the tutles being playable.

I want this Game n0w…………………….



chipper's picture

looks good

that looks quite nice. hopefully it comes together nicely!

Fuzz's picture


4 players, online, steam…. that’s pretty rare in a turtles game. I’m impressed.

I haven’t watched much of the Nye cartoon, but hopefully they have some 80s bad guys in there too.

Sha8doW's picture

Download it this summer

look good, and 4 players will go close to being as good asthe arcade game…
I just dont like the current generations character model skins… I miss the 80s!

Fuzz's picture


Agreed. I really don’t know what they’re doing with the turtle designs. They look better in motion than in screenshots… but still. The 80’s (and even the early seasons of the 2003 series) looked good all around.

Movie 1 was the best IMO (in terms of everything… design, story, etc)

Robag's picture

I love being a f%^KING tURTLE

nice find n0mad i am calling it know i am donnie
looks like we will need our xbox 360 controllers
but all good


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